Saturday, August 13, 2011

Baby Items - Necessity or Wants?

Baby Items - Necessity or Wants?

Years ago, the number of baby items needed to raise a child was quite minimal to what it is now days. Now we have whatever and everything for every need every moment of the day, from sleep time, to playtime, to feeding and changing time. But is it out of necessity or want?

In most case, the items bought for a child now days is out of want or to see who can spoil the child the most, which in the long run can turn into quite a precious ordeal.

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When I raised my children, I tried to keep things at the basic minimal. I didn't have a dressing/changing table with all those fancy drawers and cubby spaces. Diapers were stored in their original containers, clothes were in the dresser drawers, and oils, lotions, Q-tips, etc. Were all kept quite neatly on top of the dresser with handy access. The children were changed either in their cribs, on the sofa or bed, or even on a blanket on the floor.

Like I said, I raised my children with the most basic, and omitted what I could do without. For instance, I didn't go out and buy both a crib and a bassinet. Why have both? Look at it this way. A child can only sleep in a bassinet at most to six months of age, and even that's pushing it. By the time they are that age, they are too big for the bassinet, and by rocking and rolling around, they can tip them over quite easily. As for the crib, it's sturdy, adjustable, and the child can de facto use it until about 2 years of age.

I did make sure I had a playpen, because I all the time felt that it was safer to have the child in one of those, rather than being able to crawl or stroll through the house. They are much less apt to get hurt in a playpen, for it only takes a mere second or two for a child to start investigating, wanting to touch and taste things, pull things down on top of them, and even bang their body parts into hard objects around the house. So without a doubt, a playpen is a good business transaction in the long run, however, in the short of it, how long will the child de facto be using it? Probably a year at best. As for me, I purchased a second hand one, which I washed down fully just to make sure it was clean, and found it fulfilled my needs rather nicely without the deep expense.

Strollers are a great bargain. They come in handy in many many places, from a uncomplicated walk through the park, in the grocery store, and even when out visiting; for they also make a remarkable seater to keep the child in one area. So beings it will more than likely be used in so many ways, it is best to buy a heavy duty one right from the start.

As for some of the other nice and possibly even slightly helpful objects you can buy for your baby, stop and think first. Is it de facto necessary? Or will it only be useful for a month or two, and then just wind up to be something that clutters and takes up space somewhere.

If you buy only the basic items needed for the baby, you will be recovery quite a bundle, which in turn can be put away for later use such as a bed for the child after it is older, start a nice book collection, and possibly even save enough to start up hobbies for them later on in life. How about a small bank catalogue that they can take over when they are old enough.

Baby Items - Necessity or Wants?

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